ABOUT chameleon change management

Clare East the Director of Chameleon Change Management Ltd and is an experienced management, leadership and behavioural consultant with over 15 years of successfully deploying her skills.

With a deep passion for developing people to enable them to realise their true potential, she has a strong belief that very often, a change of self is needed more than a change of scenery

Starting her career with managing and leading a training academy for a key European passenger car manufacturer, she has covered a broad spectrum of roles, environments and cultures and would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and discover more about your company, business or individual needs.

TAP and IMI accredited, Clare has a great understanding of what engaging training, facilitation and development looks like.

Incorporating the whole learning cycle, Clare worked in 2016 with the ‘Leadership Trust’ where she further enhanced her strong facilitation and communication skills.

With a ‘distinction’ in Behavioural training, Clare has a clear understanding of how not to not only measure knowledge and skills but to deeply understand the impact that behaviour has on a business culture and an individuals development.

Clare is adaptable, creative and engaging and through spending time to understand the specific needs of a business or an individual, Clare will develop, design and deliver, people led, tailor made solutions, which focus on delivering sustainable change. This in turn allows for business’s and individuals to ably demonstrate a solid ROI and true business enhancement.


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